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Moreno Valley Lawyers

Three Choices You'll Have to Make

As part of the claims procedure, you'll have to deal with the insurance adjuster. This person's job is to look out for the insurance company and to keep your compensation amount to the absolute minimum. He or she will make you an offer--by phone, in writing or in the form a check sent to you. At this point, you have three choices: You can accept the offer, reject it, or make a counter-offer. The best Moreno Valley car collision lawyers will tell you that the adjuster will typically offer you far less than your claim is actually worth, that he expects you to negotiate for more, and that he expects to pay you more than he originally offered, unless it's for the policy limits.

Prepare and Plan--Before You Ask for More

Preparation and planning are the crucial elements in negotiating a fair settlement for virtually all car accident injury claims. But before you begin negotiations, you'll need to answer the following questions: First, what evidence do you have to support your claim--do you have the police reports, witness statements, photos and the paperwork to fully document your losses? What have similar claims typically resolved for--you may have to do some research at your local law library for the answers. Next, what are your alternatives if you don't settle--what's your backup plan, your exit strategy? You'll also want to know your settlement bottom line--this is the "hill you're willing do die on," the bare bones minimum amount you'll accept. And lastly, what is your settlement goal--what reasonable amount would you like to take away from the settlement table, backed by evidence and knowledge of similar cases? An experienced Moreno Valley car accident lawyer will tell you these questions are not easy, but armed with the answers, you'll be better equipped to face a skilled insurance company adjuster who negotiates settlements day in and day out.

Obtaining a Fair Settlement

The value of a claim can be influenced by hundreds of factors. There's no simple formula one can apply to auto accident claims to determine their value. The strengths and weaknesses of a claim or a defense are not always obvious. Which is why it's so important to consult an experienced car collision lawyer before speaking to an insurance adjuster. Someone who can steer you clear of the costly mistakes many accident victims routinely make when dealing with insurance companies. Which is why it's so important to consult a trustworthy Moreno Valley car crash lawyer.
Only the best car accident lawyers offer a free and confidential consultation to help you avoid the mistakes many car accident victims time and again in dealing with insurance companies. You will be under no obligation to hire them after your consultation. The most knowledgeable lawyers will tell you when you don't need to hire a lawyer and how to proceed without one.
For more advice, read "The Seven Fatal Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Personal Injury Claim" by California personal injury attorney John Bisnar. The book is free to accident victims - contact us to get a copy sent to you, or you can buy one at
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