Umum sedia maklum, menguasai bahasa asing merupakan salah satu bonus dan kelebihan untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelancong. Malah, ianya dapat mengukuhkan jati diri dan memahami budaya terhadap negara luar serta pelancong yang datang ke negara kita.

Los Angeles Truck Accident Attorneys
What To Do After a Collision with a Large Truck
If you have recently sustained severe injuries in a large truck collision, or lost a loved one due to a driver's negligence, you undoubtedly have a number of questions, such as:
- "How am I going to pay for these medical bills and other expenses?"
- "Should I speak with my insurance company?"
- "Who is responsible for my accident?"
- "Do I need a lawyer?"
For the past 30 years Kahn Roven, LLP has helped truck accident victims answer these same questions and much more. Call our office today and discover the many rights and options you have available, in a confidential case consultation. Our firm has decades of experience, dealing with the biggest players in the insurance, trucking and shipping industries. We know their tactics and we can anticipate their every move. More often than not, these companies wisely settle before tangling with us. But should they push the issue, we won't hesitate to bring them before a judge.
But remember, time is of the essence. Truck accident cases demand significant resources and research to successfully represent. The at-fault company will not wait for you to find effective representation before they begin building a solid defense. They will seize control of every part of an accident scene and lock down anything that may be of use to your case. Don't let them get the upper hand. Contact our firm immediately and we will be on the ground before they can build a strategy to counter your claim. With our firm at your side, you will be able to secure compensation for some or all of the following economic and non-economic damages:
- Emergency medical bills
- Hospital expenses
- Doctor's fees
- Therapeutic costs
- Property damage
- Funerary costs
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of wages and employment
Act now before it is too late. Call a Los Angeles traffic accident attorney at Kahn Roven, LLP at (844) 9-INJURED and get the help you need to take on these willfully negligent corporations.
Beware The Insurance Adjustor
There is one piece of advice we offer every truck accident victim: avoid the insurance adjusters. Do not speak with them, meet with them, or be anywhere near them. Their job is to take money out of your pocket, while lining their own. They have no concern for you or your family's wellbeing. As a business, with vested interests in the trucking industry they represent, insurance companies must keep their bottom-line at the very bottom. This means finding any way possible to refute your claim and ultimately undermine your speedy recovery. So, again: do not speak, meet or be anywhere near an insurance company representative unless your attorney is present or your attorney engages them on your behalf!
Trusted Counsel in Los Angeles & Woodland Hills
When it comes to large truck accidents, you need legal representation that has only one goal in mind: your full recovery. At Kahn Roven, LLP, we are dedicated to upholding your rights and helping you obtain the compensation you and your family deserve.